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Dogs Can Smell Human Stress And It Bums Them Out Study Shows

Dogs Can Smell Human Stress and It Bums Them Out Too

A Fascinating Study Examines How

A new study has examined how dogs can smell human stress and how it affects them. The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, found that dogs can detect the smell of stress in humans, and that this smell can lead to changes in their own behavior.

Dogs Experience Emotional Contagion from the Smell of Human Stress

The study involved 36 dogs and their owners. The dogs were exposed to the smell of stress from their owners, as well as the smell of a neutral control odor. The researchers found that the dogs showed a significant increase in stress-related behaviors, such as yawning, licking their lips, and panting, when they were exposed to the smell of stress from their owners.

The researchers also found that the dogs' stress levels decreased when they were exposed to the smell of a neutral control odor. This suggests that the dogs were able to differentiate between the smell of stress and the smell of a neutral odor.

Dogs Were Able to Differentiate the Smells from Breath and Sweat Samples Taken from People

The study also found that the dogs were able to differentiate between the smells of breath and sweat samples taken from people who were stressed and people who were not stressed. This suggests that the dogs were able to detect the specific chemical compounds that are associated with stress.

The researchers believe that the ability of dogs to smell human stress may have evolved as a way to help them bond with their owners. Dogs are social animals, and they rely on their owners for food, shelter, and companionship. Being able to detect the smell of stress in their owners may help dogs to understand their owners' emotional state and to provide comfort and support.
